Beginner's guide to the Devise gem.
A quick reference guide to using Rails most popular User Authentication Gem. This is implemented on a workout app I have since deprecated.
title: Beginner's guide to the Devise gem. published: true description: A quick reference guide to using Rails most popular User Authentication Gem. This is implemented on a workout app I have since deprecated. tags: gems, devise, rails, ruby
Recently I've been working on a Rails app to track work-out progress.
As you read in the title, this post is about using the Devise Gem, and I'll be working through using it at it's simplest form, to create a resource that I wished I'd had when I first tried it out.
The Devise Gem is users for User Authentication, It creates sign-up and sign-in forms, it also can be used to create user accounts for privacy. (I'm sure it can do more things, but this is how I'm using it. )
So as with all other gems, you'll need to install in the usual way by adding to your Gemfile, gem 'Devise'
Then run bundle install
in your terminal. After you've done that, you'll need to run the generator. rails generate devise:install
That command installs an initializer that will print a lot of instructions, the only one we need to focus on right now is adding a default URL for the Devise Mailer. You can use the suggested one for the sake of this application.
Next, we need to create our Devise model, you can name it anything, (e.g. User, Admin, Member or Staff) depending on your purpose. I'll be using "User", thus I'll run in my terminal, rails generate devise user
, following that up with rails db:migrate
The first action you should take is to ensure that your Rails routes are configured for Devise, which is done by adding the following to your config/routes.rb
```ruby devise_for :stages root to: "stages#index"
"stages" can be replaced by whatever you name your controller, it's just what I needed to name my controller.
``` This will create all the necessary routes for authentication of your application, and then lead to the main index page.
In order to make your parts of your application unavailable to people without an account, go into their controllers and before your methods begin, add the following helper,
before_action :authenticate_user!
Something to be aware of, is to make sure that your helper matches your Devise model (User, Admin, etc.)
The three most important helpers for Devise are as follows,
```ruby user_signed_in?
I used this to show the user’s email address in the top Navigation bar, and depending on their status to show “Log In” or “Log Out” options.
Used to create the Log In occurrence, which remains until I’m logged out, in which case it destroys that session.
This is used here to display the User's email in the navigation bar.
<% if user_signed_in? %> <%= %>
Comments section
•May 1, 2024
Hi Andrew, did you by any chance try to customize the error messages displayed when e.g. sign up fails (blank input, etc.)? For instance, one could move the error message into the label to keep the interface clear.
I don't know how to access those error messages. I've tried accessing the errors the way one would for a model, e.g. model.errors[:name] to get errors associated with the name of the model, but to no avail. Having searched online a bit, it isn't clear how to access those messages.
EDIT: Operator error. I hadn't tried targeting 'resource', I assumed it had to be 'resource_name' because of the bit right at the top of the form: "simple_form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: registration_path(resource_name)) do |f|". Always check assumptions!
ackers93 Author
•May 1, 2024
Hey Mosekwa, great question! I should have clarified, the stages controller is part of the app. It's basically a part of the app that I want to "protect" with Devise. It could be any controller. :) Let me know if that helps!