Convert a letter to a number and vice-versa.



Number to letter:

let findNum = 22; let num = String.fromCharCode(97 + findNum) console.log(num) > w

Letter to number:

let uni = 'y'.charCodeAt(0) console.log(uni) > 121

Basis of solution: ASCII and String prototype and its methods. What does ASCII stand for? American Standard Code for Information Interchange: Basically, symbols we use on a computer that are mapped to a number. For example: ASCII CODE 97 : a ASCII CODE 98 : b ASCII CODE 99 : c ASCII CODE 110 : n etc, etc, etc... How do we use it in JavaScript? String prototype and the fromCharCode() method on the prototype. fromCharCode() i.e. "from character code" with String = "Convert this number, from the character code I am providing you, into a letter." Because our alphabet in the ASCII table starts at 97 our charCode = 97 + "number we provide" for our cases, between 97-122, a-z. let findNum = 22; let num = String.fromCharCode(97 + findNum) console.log(num) > w Convert Letter to Number Sidenote: ASCII is a part of the Unicode standard. Unicode is a massive list of thousands of symbol maps, and ASCII is included within the Unicode system(first grader explanation; sorry in advance for offending really smart first-graders). So if we have the letter 'y'. let uni = 'y'.charCodeAt(0)0 being the index of the character of the string of which we want. console.log(uni) >121 And that's it - Thanks for reading! Comments very very welcome, lots to learn here!