title: How to Present and Dismiss a Modal in SwiftUI published: true description: In this post, we will cover how to present and dismiss a modal view. canonical_url: https://appsbymw.com/blog/2019/08/26/present-dismiss-modal-in-swiftui tags: swiftui, swift, ios series: SwiftUI Examples

How to Present and Dismiss a Modal in SwiftUI

In this post, we will cover how to present and dismiss a modal view.

Find the source code at this Github Repo.

{% github maeganjwilson/swiftui-show-modal-tutorial %}

NOTE: this tutorial is using Xcode 11 and has been tested using iOS 13.1.2.

Let's get started by making a new project using SwiftUI. When creating a new project, make sure that the language is set to Swift, and the User Interface is configured to SwiftUI like in the picture below.

show_modal variable

Now that the project is made, we need to open the ContentView.swift file to declare a variable that determines whether or not to present the modal.

```swift struct ContentView: View { // Declare this state variable below @State private var show_modal: Bool = false

var body: some View {
    Text("Hello World")

} ```

The variable has to be a binding variable and one that can update the view when changing, which is why we declare it as a State variable.

Button to change the state!

Let's change the Text() to a Button() that sets show_modal to true.

swift Button(action: { print("Button Pushed") self.show_modal = true }) { Text("Show Modal") }

I added a print() statement to make sure the button works. Go ahead and run the app (Command + R) and click on the button. By clicking on the button, "Button Pushed" will be printed in the console.

Create the Modal View

Now, let's create the modal view. Create a new file and change the Text to "This is a Modal." It should look like the code snippet below.

```swift import SwiftUI

struct ModalView: View { var body: some View { Text("This is a modal") } } ```

Making the Modal Appear

It's time to make the modal appear from the button push on the first view. Open ContentView.swift and add the following to the button.

swift Button(action: { print("Button Pushed") self.show_modal = true }) { Text("Show Modal") }.sheet(isPresented: self.$show_modal) { ModalView() }

What does .sheet() // more code do? It is deciding if ModalView should be presented when show_modal changes.

.sheet(isPresented: Binding<Bool>){ /* View to present */} is a modifier that can present the view when isPresented is true. In our example, show_modal is a Binding<Bool> because it is declared with @State. We also set the view to be presented as ModalView().

ContentView.swift should now be complete and look like this.

```swift import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View { @State private var show_modal: Bool = false

var body: some View {
    Button(action: {
        print("Button Pushed")
        self.show_modal = true
    }) {
        Text("Show Modal")
    }.sheet(isPresented: self.$show_modal) {



Running the application right now, we can dismiss the modal by dragging down from the top of the modal.

Add a dismiss button

Dragging works to dismiss, but sometimes users would instead hit a button, or maybe you want the user to hit the button to confirm, and a drag cancels the operation. To add a button to dismiss the modal, we need to put add an Environment variable for presentationMode and then call presentationMode.wrappedValue.dismiss(). Here is how it looks in ModalView.swift.

```swift struct ModalView: View { // 1. Add the environment variable @Environment(.presentationMode) var presentationMode

var body: some View {
    // 2. Embed Text in a VStack
    VStack {
        // 3. Add a button with the following action
        Button(action: {
            print("dismisses form")
        }) {
        }.padding(.bottom, 50)
        Text("This is a modal")

} ```

I'm going to break down what we did.

  1. Add the environment variable. This environment variable is what determines when to dismiss the modal.
  2. Embed the Text in a VStack. We do this to be able to have a Button view on top of the Text.
  3. Add a button with the following action. The action in the button is what to perform when the button is tapped. self.presentaionMode.wrappedValue.dismiss() is the method that dismisses the Modal.

Now, running the application, we can dismiss the view either by dragging or by tapping on the button.

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EDIT #1:

I was asked by @cwhooten how to make a list that presents a dynamic modal. You can find that answer as a branch to the original example by clicking on this sentence.

EDIT #2:

Updated the note at the top.

EDIT #3:

Updated the note at the top since it has been tested with Release Xcode and Release iOS 13.