Is Object-Oriented Programming "Dangerous"?
I found an interesting article while browsing HackerNews regarding the downfalls of Object-Oriented Programming and wanted to discuss it with the community.
title: Is Object-Oriented Programming "Dangerous"? published: true description: I found an interesting article while browsing HackerNews regarding the downfalls of Object-Oriented Programming and wanted to discuss it with the community. tags: OOP, object-oriented programming, programming, development
This morning I came across an article that struck me as a fantastic discussion topic: Why Are So Many Developers Hating on Object-Oriented Programming? by David Cassel. "Hmm, sure it has its quirks but I couldn't imagine someone hating or outright avoiding it" I thought to myself. I read the article and had a few opinions, but I'll save that until the end.
According to Ilya Suzdalnitski, a senior full-stack engineer, Object-Oriented Programming is a "trillion-dollar disaster" and "turn out to be one big glob of global state, [which] can be mutated by anyone and anything without restrictions". Suzdalnitski's article can be found over on Medium, if anyone wants to read it.
Cassel's article provides the details of his over-email interview with Suzdalnitski, allowing for deeper explanation as to why Suzdalnitski has taken the controversial position. He explains that he stepped away from OOP when he realized his own return-on-investment was low in terms of time and education into the practice; these days he writes in F#, JavaScript, and C# (using functional programming styles) and "could never find any [use cases for OOP]."
The most controversial statement in Suzdalnitski's article is the statement "OOP is Dangerous". He claims that OOP is for cheap, inexperienced developers and "functional programmers are typically more smart, and more expensive." Suzdalnitski has received some backlash from the development community, with some even writing their own equally provocative articles: Developers Who Hate On OOP Don't Know How to Use It by Gary Willoughby.
So what do I think about these articles? First, I'd like to say Cassel took a heated topic and presented it in a very neutral way. I appreciate that I can read the article and not have had an indication of where his opinion lies in the debate. As for Suzdalnitski's article, I believe it is an excellent opinion piece and controversy can always be fun - but I do not agree that any one language, programming style, or framework is the be-all-end-all solution to every problem. I absolutely agree that OOP will not work for every need, but I disagree just as equally that functional programming will work for every need.
I also do not think that OOP is reserved for cheap, low-tier developers. There are many incredibly intelligent software engineers working with object-oriented programming and it takes a significant investment of time and practice to reach a level of mastery. That said, I have never tried functional programming, so I can't speak to the differences in use and learning curve.
What are your thoughts on the article? Do you agree with Suzdalnitski? Do you disagree? I'm curious what you have to say!
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Comments section
•May 1, 2024
Thank you for gathering the different opinions and bringing them up for exchange. Usually, I stop reading when someone says "xyz is outright evil and made by the devil himself". Most of the time, there are a lot of things coming together.
The most important part to me is, that you can write good maintainable software with both approaches. And both approaches a far from being new. Even the interpretation of the teens has changed over time when the experience with them accumulated.
In my experience, people often then away from one thing because they are facing a problem and then focus on solving this aspect. If someone was lost in a big pike of interfaces, classes using each other and being distributed over numerous namespaces, it is natural to find something appealing that eliminates the need for that.
If someone is lost in a system where everything is a function, but the things you are looking for are spread across different areas and you have a hard time publishing your state to all places where you need it, I can understand if they seek the order of interfaces and the ability to mutate state.
But there is no silver bullet in a paradigm or language. Each one has advantages and each advantage is bought by the downsides that come with it. So instead of focusing on the negative points, I find it more helpful to look at the advantages and then trying to judge if these are a good enough reason to cope with the inevitable disadvantages. And that's the real skill you have to master as software developer.
•May 1, 2024
We all have biased perspectives towards certain subjects. I think that referring OOP to being very mutable is kinda naive. A lot of the data can be immutable. "Collections.unmodifiableSet(nameOfSet);" as an example and many more.
•May 1, 2024
It is..if the guy who coined the term said it is slippery.
If OOP is the way we organize our thinking then it completely failed us since the original idea was about objects and their connections.
The version of OOP we are using is about classes and their dependancies. Yes we need to make object connections through classes' connections. How many objects we have in our app, and how many classes you have in our code, and exactly how they are connected, if we want to change object connection s how do we do that... if we cannot answer those questions with precision then fine, they will come back as bugs any way. The old folks could answer those questions with procedural programming. Of course you can throw back: who cannot handle those bugs are cheap developers.. but that should be another topic.
Hint: if OOP is broken for us, it is broken for others too, especially the ones invented it, look for them, some of them tried to fix OOP for a long time. It is us with practical thinking and move on with whatever we have in hand. Those guys invented things because they did not just moved on.
•May 1, 2024
I think a lot of the "controversy" comes from not understanding the basic problem.
Which is state-management.
OOP was design to help manage state in a time when the issue was quite new.
It does this by grouping state in objects, this organization comes at the hefty price of lots of bootstrapping code. But at the time it was implemented it was revolutionary. The result was Java, C#, C++ etc..
FP does away with all that bootstrapping and suggest just writing the bare-bones of what you need and then passing state along as needed. State is then only kept at the code entry point and then passed along.
This video goes over the history of state-management fairly well imho:
The question really should be, what idea-set is best of managing state?
IMHO it is FP, since it takes most of that pesky bootstrapping away, which enables code-reuse, testing, librarization and verbose action oriented code.
On top of that, you do not need as much specialization in your language to support FP. Which takes loads of complexity away.
In theory FP concepts could be applied in Basic using goto...
•May 1, 2024
In the world of software development you (almost) never need to worry about your technology being frowned upon, because...
Give it 15 years and a new batch of genius newbies will be reinventing it as better than the standard technology they were trained on.
In a decade and some, a brilliant person hating functional programming will invent something better... probably a new way to do JavaScript programming... it'll have 2 main objectives... Prudence and Reusability... each of those solving 2 problems each found in functional programming.
They will probably call it the Micro-Ecology methodology. (It will work well with Micro-Services and Micro-Frontends... and it will encourage environmentally friendly concepts!)
The only time you need to worry is if your favored technology is too RAD and doesn't need a command prompt... then beware.
•May 1, 2024
People should stop comparing these and focus on best use cases. There is no God tool in a professional world. Visit any professional craftsman’s workspace and you will see very interesting gadgets for very specific actions that you would handle with a hammer and screwdriver at home. God tools are for amateurs that are ok to solve average problems with ease (edit: while not minding extra time and effort spent).
•May 1, 2024
Suzdalnitski says in the article: "Some might disagree with me, but the truth is that modern Java/C# OOP has never been properly designed. It never came out of a proper research institution"
And why on Earth would they even need to come out of some institution? Languages are created for specific needs, not to stroke the ego of some Computer Scientist who has patented/perfected the One True Language. I do not care of purely theoretical aspects implemented in X language that is supposed to make everyone so much more productive... but only so long as you understand quantum entanglement / advanced lambda calculus / the origin of the Universe. Rather, does it fulfill my needs? Can I implement something elementary in it like mutating some data without working around artificial limitations of the language? Does it expose a competent API / can it integrate itself easy with, say, C libraries? These are the questions I ask myself when picking a language.
The truth is, the OOP aspects of the languages Suzdalnitski mentioned work absolutely fine for a lot of people (dare I say, the majority of people using those languages), and using them properly never hurt anyone, which is why most desktop/business software of today is written in, guess what, C++, C# and Java.
He just makes himself sound like every purist elitist nerd with a CS degree out there who discovered FP and deems it to be the all true solution to all problems in programming out there. I hate this kind of people with all soul, they only make programming worse.
•May 1, 2024
Well, so don't use java and OOP for everything, they are designed for a specific needs.
Functional programming is based on maths, maths is used in every science to describe how the universe works.
So Functional Programming can be used for everything.
Java (how is an OOP language) is not worst, is limited, because it's created for a specific needs.
•May 1, 2024
OOP is not "dangerous", not any more than FP. It is just inadequate, it is almost always a very poor match for the actual semantics of the real world problems. Not surprisingly, FP is also very rarely an adequate fit.
•May 1, 2024
Ah yes from Ilya Suzdalnitski, the same auther as from "Functional Programming? Don’t Even Bother, It’s a Silly Toy"
Don't feed the troll...
•May 1, 2024
The article on Functional Programming is ironic and not a denigration of Functional Programming, at contrary... Read it.
rachelsoderberg Author
•May 1, 2024
I had no idea he had written a similar article against Functional Programming! I'll have to read this when I have another opening to look at Medium (silly paywalls). Thanks for sharing!
•May 1, 2024
Only reason to hate one or the other is if you're stuck working with someone else's code. If you work at a place that only provides Craftsmen tools but you prefer SnapOn, get a new job rather than try to convince the whole Internet that Craftsmen sucks.
•May 1, 2024
A software engineer saying "I'm only going to use OOP" or "I'm only going to write functional code" is like a carpenter saying he is only going to use a miter saw, regardless of what he is building. Just like a carpenter, a software engineer should use the best tool for the job, regardless of which paradigm they prefer.
•May 1, 2024
Suzdalnitski's article must be a joke.
When I read it I feel like the intention is the opposite: Promote the OOP.
Somebody that takes every single advantage of OOP and strongly discredits them with the most dubious claims waiting other people jump in its defence.
Either that, or there is an strong disinformation and he just want to learn from the replies.
We need to be very responsible of treating the topics related to programming theory the same way that tutorials. We should not make so strong statements product of our empiric experiences without additional references.
I mean, somebody can be expert using a language, a lot of frameworks or programming paradigms but in order to talk about the theory everything should come with references, like in scientific papers.
Just to put one example all the section The Problem with Real World Modeling is so wrong that it seems a joke. I am sure he can not find scientific paper that states that The real world is not hierarchical.
The world seems to be not hierarchical, but the complexity of the systems that compose the world are organized that way (the matter, chemistry, biological systems, social systems). For more on this read the first chapter The Complexity of the book Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications
Not only the world is organized that way, also the scientists have discovered that the human mind organizes the information using similar structures. For more on this read about Semantic Computing or just Knowledge representation and the Semantics of Natural language. There you would find that OOPs use a subset of the semantic structures and relations that the human uses to understand the the world.
The OOP is not the ultimate paradigm to model the system's complexity of the real world but it has the two or three that serve to represent them in computer systems.
For practical purposes: classes, objects and relationships between them did allow to represent most of those problem domains.
The information system that runs in a computer doesn't try to model the whole world, only the part of the real system related to the information.
The article is weak in most of the arguments, but he had the courage to bringing the topic into the table.
It is very hard to deny the role of OOP in one engineering process, and one should be backed up with solid arguments in science and philosophy to do it. It is not just to point out that "it is more difficult".
We should not forget that information systems exist in order to solve a problem, in a problem domain. Those are the functional requirements. And OOP is good to represent that problem domain.
It is a fact that most of the code (85% some years ago) correspond to non-functional requirements ( persistence with data consistence, integrity, availability, scalability with parallel processing, redundancy, resilience to failure, etc..). Many languages, frameworks and software paradigms fit more those parts and many of them less. It is a matter of the effort inverted on each one of them.
At the end they would merge in just one stack, in the meanwhile we should learn how to profit from each one and combine them to solve the problems. It might be that at the end there is an unifying paradigm or something like that, but it would be combining the goods stuff of all of them. Or maybe not, but then ... how would the new paradigm be?
The new paradigm would be still between how the computers work and how we understand the world.
•May 1, 2024
Hola, you have also misunderstood the core principle of OOP. It's not about hierarchy. It's about objects with internal state which send messages to each other. Here's Alan Kay's original thoughts on OOP, summarized:
Notice, no mention of hierarchies. Just objects, sending messages, belonging to classes.
•May 1, 2024
Wrong. The real world is absolutely, definitely not hierarchical.
Find a single scientific theory that is organised into any kind of a hierarchy. No such a thing exist. And theories always converge to a best possible language to describe their problem domains.
•May 1, 2024
There is no silver bullet, devs! Use the paradigm(s) that better fits/abstracts your problem/use-case. Each one have pros and cons, and a great software engineer should be able to choose the best given its tradeoffs (sometimes both). That's it 🙂
•May 1, 2024
I remember was OOP was gaining popularity. The article was very correct in many ways but also had some glaring flaws.
The issue with OOP lies with the programmer using it in unnecessary ways. It is not the fault of OOP that people add unessesary abstraction.
For instance, if your light isn't turning on and you decide to become an electrician to learn how to turn on the light when all you had to do was flip the lightswitch it isn't the fault of the lightswitch that you went way overboard. Yet if you are wiring the electricity in a skyrise you might need to do a bit more that slap light switches on the walls to get things to work right.
•May 1, 2024
I don't agree with his premise even though I might share some of the same experiences. I have switched to FP. I think I was using some bad instructional material or a bad mental model for OO that basically made objects just imperative programming containers. And I always found that it became increasingly harder to maintain over time. I wish I had discovered better ways of doing OO back then. For example, I've since seen a lot of good stuff from Sandi Metz. In any case, OO is a paradigm that has gotten the job done for a long time. I think if you stay at it long enough, you can figure out how to avoid most of the footguns and write good software with it. But I found FP before I got to the equilibrium point, and now prefer it.
In my opinion, one of the biggest downsides of FP right now is that most instructional materials insist on bringing abstract math into it. It is not needed. And in fact, I avoid putting my own logic in terms of math categories. Because then I am requiring all future readers to be able to think in terms of abstract math to read the code. Which is a non-trivial burden to take on, definitely not friendly to new devs. The way we do FP is probably simpler than OO. I have an article about that approach here.
I think both OO and FP have potentially harmful approaches. In the end, they are just tools to get jobs done. It is all in how you use them.
•May 1, 2024
Is it possible that the Suzdalnitski was edited? I don't see the "functional programmers are typically more smart, and more expensive" line. It would be a good edit if it happened, but it should be mentioned as an edit at the end.
rachelsoderberg Author
•May 1, 2024
That was an email response from Suzdalnitski during their interview - it's toward the end of the main article by Cassel
•May 1, 2024
I think part of the problem is that people say OOP but mean imperative programming and that imperative object-oriented programming seems to be the default nowadays. In reality, FP and OOP are more orthogonal than opposites, and it is possible to write very functional OOP, just not in Java*.
My observations, by the way, are based on the set of people I have worked with and, therefore, absolutely not statistically relevant, so here goes nothing.
Different developers value different things, and develop different skills and focus areas. Some developers seem to value most highly having code that just does what it is supposed to do. Since most of the code we are taught and exposed to out there is imperative, and maybe object-oriented, that's the current they usually follow. If they can just write one instruction after another and read that style all the same, bothering with things like function composition, purity, referential transparency, monads, etc. seems just over-complicating things. They can write programs in a style they are already familiar with and, at the end of the day, the program runs the same.
Some other developers seem to be looking for the Holy Grail of programming, a legendary piece of code so perfect that no mortal eyes can withstand. Having your code do what it is supposed to do is nice, but have you ever felt the joy of writing code that reads like poetry, and not like a recipe from your grandma's baking book? Each piece must be abstracted just at the right level and everything must be composable and testable. These programmers write code very differently that the first group, focusing a lot on how the code should do what it is supposed to do.
Some of these developers discover FP and look at the "horrid" code that developers in the first group write and think that the problem lies within (what they call) OOP itself. Afterwards they go around writing articles on how much OOP sucks. But it is fair to say that others just figure out how to write pleasant imperative code.
However the problem is that imperative OOP is the default, so programmers that don't (not yet at least) have a large interest in how the code is supposed to do things stay in this sphere, while some of the developers most focused on the how feel attracted to more declarative paradigms and, not surprisingly, find a lot of like-minded programmers in that sphere.
Basically, my point is that FP forces you to think in a different way about coding than the default, so people that think more about how code should be written are more likely to make the jump. I believe that if declarative functional programming was the norm, we'd see a lot more sloppy FP and articles saying how dangerous FP is and that OOP is the right way.
* The last line of Java I wrote was in Java 1.8, for all I know this assertion could be incorrect nowadays.
•May 1, 2024
Here's a small snippet from my book Refactoring TypeScript on this topic that sums up my thoughts:
It needs to be brought up: What's better - object-oriented programming or functional programming?
For starters, most people don't understand what OOP was intended to be in the first place. Similar to how Agile today is usually misunderstood (e.g. just because you are having daily stand-ups, using story points, kanban, etc. doesn't mean you are doing Agile).
Alan Kay is considered the father of OOP, in a sense. In a certain email, he gave some frank explanations about what OOP was supposed to be.
For those familiar with microservices, the actor model, and other advanced programming paradigms, your Spidey sense is tingling. These are actually more closely related to true OOP.
So, is FP better than true OOP?
I don't think so. I think they both have their merits. Languages like TypeScript are embracing both paradigms and allowing developers to use the tools and methods that work best for the given problem!
•May 1, 2024
Yes, the truth is often somewhere in-between. I guess what I’m about to say isn’t a big surprise (coming from a guy who mostly writes about Buddhism), but the middle path is often the best choice.
I find that Typescript allows me to write in an FP style when I want to have data manipulation and OO when I want to encapsulate state changes. And due to it’s C styled syntax, I can wrap the pure functions in imperative code so that OO developers can contribute without feeling like they’re being pushed out of the way. It’s code that everyone can enjoy! :)
•May 1, 2024
I have explained it here, I found his claims very funny, cheap is a really wrong word, functional programming is like a building Rocket for transportation from home to office, which ofcourse is expensive and requires great minds, but do we really need it? I would use a simple car without understanding
, it doesn't mean car or I am cheap.This is exact same comment on different article by me,
Coding consists of two major parts, one logic and one is organizing logic. Consider logic as a contents of book and organizing as a book library.Book Library is organized by categories and then it is further organized by either author name or title in dictionary form. Imagine if you had a good contents of book but if it wasn't organized properly. Imagine if everyone organize contents of book and book in library with random order.
I consider class as a way to organize logic, you still have your functional ways to write logic but class is well understood by everyone and it is easy to document and organize. And it is very easy to refactor the code because IDE knows all references of identifier and it can safely refactor it. This was basically the reason why C++, Java and C# became more popular because developers need not focus on how to write it correctly and were able to focus on business needs.
Ideally doing everything in OOP or everything in Functions, both are bad, you must choose OOP to organize your logic, which is extremely important for long term healthy library and functions to improve your logic.
Functional programming represents Science computations closely so it is easy to use it for Rocket Science, OOPS is more for business applications.
More than anything important, I see that they outline frustration of not being able to do one thing easily in OOPS that they were able to do it easily in other paradigm, that doesn't make OOPS a trillion dollar mistake !!
•May 1, 2024
Functional programming is not that abstract. Just the paradigm is different. So it feels unintuitive because most people are not familiar with patterns.
•May 1, 2024
Suzdalnitski's article reads like pretty steeotypical functional-programming zealotry to me. FP has it's virtues, but it also brings it's own unique set of issues. The same applies to OOP, and just about any other programming paradigm you can imagine.
Ultimately, the problem isn't OOP, or FP, or any of that, it's people misusing and abusing those paradigms. Yes, you can shoot yourself in the foot with OOP, but you can do so in any language that's actually realistically useful (and many that aren't too).
•May 1, 2024
The chances of shooting your foot with OOP are far more grater then with FP... Thats my main issue with OOP.
You need to think 100 times and write much more code, as Suzdalnitski showed in his article, therefore yes OOP is really dangerous
When i just started programming most of my code was spaghetti because of OOP, the more i leaned towards FP the code was cleaner
•May 1, 2024
Developers who hate on OOP don’t know how to use it.
I perceive objects as configurable tools for processing data throughput - ie processors that can be configured by the constructor and are further immutable. No obstruction, no getters or setters, no data. Data pass through the object only. I know it's very similar to functional programming.
•May 1, 2024
You must break your real world problem down to some totally artificial, unintuitive "objects" communicating with each other first before you can apply this method. And the funny part is that most of the real world problems do not really fit well into such a representation. Not that FP allows any better tools, of course, both ways are almost always wrong.
•May 1, 2024
That sounds like a very reasonable way of using OOP. However, there is a noticeable difference when you use a functional language.
In OOP languages, whether or not an object is immutable is really up to the discipline of the programmer, and neither the language, the type system, nor the compiler will help you maintain that discipline. Anytime you write code that interacts with a data structure, you must mentally evaluate whether the data was really left alone or not. And that adds mental overhead. You might even end up looking at the internals of the object/class to assure yourself that it's safe.
In contrast, with a functional language, where immutability is the default, you can rest assured that all the data is immutable. You'll never have to check the internals. The compiler will let you know. This alone eliminates 80% of the mental load of working with any particular part of your code. You no longer have to consider the entire application context while solving local problems. You really can't get that without the guarantees provided by a functional language design.
On the flip side, this does force you to solve problems differently, though. If you're used to mutation and side effects as the primary way you solve problems, then switching to a functional paradigm will require you to dramatically rethink seemingly simple algorithms. FP has an answer for all the problems OOP can solve, but the methodology is usually different enough to put people off from switching.