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So what is PWAinit?

PWAinit is a command line tool that can be installed using npm install -g pwainit. PWAinit lets you initiate a new Progressive Web App or you can even add PWA features like Service Worker, Web App Manifest, PushAPI into your existing website to turn it into a complete progressive web app.

Installation & Usage

Download NodeJS if you haven't already have it in your machine ```c

Check if npm is installed using npm -v then..

npm install -g pwainit ```

Now cd to your existing website and run command pwainit add cd existingWebsite pwainit add Just answer the questions and thats it!🎉 If you choose to add push api backend you would have to do absolutely zero configurations!!

Demo :

Alt Text

Run PushAPI backend

cd pushapi-backend/ node index.js PWAinit Docs: Github: NPM: Youtube Demo: