
Is There A Official Recommendation For The Access Token And Refresh Token Life Time?
10 Intriguing Public Rest Apis For Your Next Project

The notion of working on side projects gets thrown out a lot amongst the programming community. It...

Making Safe Api Calls With Python

A tutorial on using returns library to make safe API calls

Introducing Bat: Behavioral Api Tester

Bat is a tool to help you write runnable specifications for HTTP APIs, such as REST, RPC and GraphQL, in readable English

Mastering Api Analytics For Api Programs Chapter 2: Cohort Retention Analysis

Cover image by Stuart Grout, on Flickr. There are few metrics more critical than retention for a...

Figma Plugin Api Discovery - Part 2

Object Selection

Build Bridges With Api Based Application Structures

Build bridges with API based application structures There is nothing more fun than...

Figma Plugin Api Discovery - Part 1

Object Selection